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Tell Us Your Story...

   This communication is to detail our personal financial circumstances in Michigan and in hopes that the public can support our cause so we can avoid any possible foreclosure on the home we love. In February 2009, I, Kenya lost my job in the educational field and have still remained unemployed. It is no secret that Michigan has been hit hard economically. The education system in which I worked, suffered funding losses and is still currently going through restructuring. Therefore, leading to many layoffs and no job opportunities in our state. My unemployment benefits were less than half of my regular income. Looking for work for the past six year has been an ongoing tedious experience. In middle of 2012 my unemployment benefits ran out. We feel very uncomfortable asking for money from our friends or the general public & community. We have been working with our lenders to lower the monthly payments so we can pay them off and get our finances in order. 


 We had to cut back on a lot of expenses. Now due to exorbitant gasoline prices, food expenses, utility costs, increased property taxes, and the rise in our mortgage payment rate, it has been extremely difficult to make ends meet. This was due to the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac crisis in 2008-2012 as well as the catastrophic flooding over a five year stretch.  Our household’s cash reserve is not enough to sustain our monthly bills. To compensate this income loss, I've been working as a substitute teacher to regain control of our debt. As you may know, the Metro Detroit area had suffered a serious flooding event that took place in April 2013, August, 2014, June 2017-18, and May 2019. To make matters worst, our property, 2600 S. Deacon St. is no longer habitable due to the flood damages.

 On August 11, 2014, we've discovered that our basement was flooded with sewage waste caused by torrential rain. But then another dramatic flood happen in June 2018 and May 2019 that cause all of Michigan Wayne County resident basement to be underwater. The foundation of my home was damaged from the water that settled in our basement. We used our own money to try to make some of the repairs to the structure inside, outside of our home. Now due to the excessive repair costs from these appalling damages, we can no longer afford any more expenses for repairs. We have requested relief assistance from FEMA, Small Business Administration (SBA) along with any other available assistance programs but was denied due to ineligibility. This tragedy has inflicted unrest on our family emotionally and, financially. We can make it with your help to avoid the foreclosure on our home and make it once again livable for our family.


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Find us: 

46036 Michigan Ave Suite 237

Canton Mi. 48188

© 2015 Deekuhn Fund

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